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Data acquisition for the FRS

System architecture

At present, the FRS data acquisition consists of a single "branch" within the GSI Multti-Branch System (MBS) framework. In order to increase the data taking rate, the different tasks (readout, event building, taping etc.) are divided between two different processors - a data sender and a data receiver.

The data sender is a RIO-4 processor which resides in the FRS VME crate. The RIO-4 handles the readout of the digitizers (ADCs, QDCs etc.) and then passes the data via TCP/IP on to a Lynx-OS PC, which acts as data receiver. The latter formats the events and makes these available to analysis clients (e.g. via a remote event server) and controls taping or disk storage. The PC (and the tape station) is situated next to the storage cabinets in the electronics area of the FRS Messhütte.
 » The FRS stand-alone system
The FRS data acquisition can be run in stand-alone mode or as part of more complicated systems. An example of the latter is the setup required for the RISING project, in which data from several quasi-independent "branches" will be merged with the help of time stamp information from a common system clock.
 » The RISING DAQ setup

Helpful people

The following is a list of people at GSI who are able to run FRS data acquisition. In case you need help to set your DAQ for experiment to be performed at the FRS contact Chiara Nociforo or Haik Simon. For very specific thechnical data acquisition- related problems the main expert is Nikolaus Kurz from the IT Department at GSI.

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