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Electronics used for FRS standard detectors

Follow the links below to find detailed information about the electronics used for the standard FRS data acquisition.


The digitization of standard FRS detector signals is made using VME-standard ADC, TDC and QDC modules (from CAEN). In addition to these, a scaler and a pattern unit are also available, as a GSI TITRIS time stamp module. The latter enables the operation of the FRS as an independent "branch" coupled to other DAQ systems (ex. RISING-type).
 »  Modules currently in VME crate 0

It is possible to include into the readout user-specific VME modules, please contact Chiara Nociforo for more information.


We are phasing out the CAMAC electronics previously used for digitizing detector signals, replacing them with VME modules (see above). It will still be possible to include user-specific CAMAC crates into the readout.

CAMAC units will, however, for the foreseeable future still be used for slow-control purposes, such as controlling CFD thresholds for the multiwire detectors and for selecting MW trigger sources. All slow-control applications are controlled via LabView software, please contact C. Karagiannis for more information.


The processing of both analog and logic signals from the FRS detectors is almost entirely based on NIM-standard electronics modules. Please see the documentation of the individual modules for tips on how to operate these units!

 »  Electronic scheme SCI standard
 »  Electronic scheme MUSIC 80
 »  Electronic scheme TPC
 »  Electronic scheme MWPC

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