The Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) laboratory in Bucharest, Romania, will host an IGISOL-type facility which will study exotic neutron-rich ion beams (with special focus in refractory elements) produced via photo-fission in actinide targets placed at the center of a cryogenic gas cell. The fission fragments are the stopped and thermalized in the CSC and transported over a complex radio frequency quadrupole for radioactive ion beam formation towards a powerful multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer where a selection of the refractory isotopes of interest will be performed to deliver a isobaric or isomeric clean beam to several measurement stations. In the picture below, a schematic view on the ELI-NP IGISOL RIB is shown.
P. Constantin et al. NIMB 461, 130-132 (2019)