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Estimation of production rates in an in-flight secondary-beam facility


The figure shows predicted maximum production rates in an in-flight secondary-beam facility with primary-beam energies up to 1.5 A GeV and intensities reaching from 1012 part/s for 238U to 3x1012 part/s for 20Ne.

The predictions are based on the EPAX code (K. Sümmerer and B. Blank, Phys. Rev. C 61 (2000) 034607) for fragmentation of nuclei up to Z=83 and on ABRABLA  for fragmentation and fission of 238U. Look up this report for more details.

Click on the figure to see it as PDF file with better resolution. The EPS file and the numerical values are also available in a ZIP file.

The numerical values are given on a separate page.

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