Layers of matter

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Material layers for S293:    
This is mainly for dE/dX calculations with AMADEUS (28/2/2008 Air thickness approximative)  
e (mm) e (mg/cm2) Z for e(mg/cm2) and DeDX Description Density (g/cm3) For S293
0,000 0,035 6 SIS Window, Carbone 35μg/cm2 2,265  
0,030 13,620 22 SEETRAM (3 foils of Ti, 10μm each) 4,540 IN
0,000 41 Nb foils possibly used as strippers 8,570 OUT
0,284 129,000 22 MultiWire 41 (under vacuum) 2 Ti windows (100μm each) + gaz. Given equivalent to 129 mg/cm2 of Ti by H. Weick. 4,540 OUT
0,200 90,800 22 FRS vacuum end window: Ti 200μm 4,540  
633,000 76,277 7 Air 1,205E-03  
3,000 309,600 6 SC41 scintillator START:  3mm BC420 1,032  
253,000 30,487 7 Air 1,205E-03  
320,000 13 MUSIC 1: (Munich)    
96,000 11,568 7 Air 0,001  
5,000 516,000 6 VETO scintillator BC420, Hole diameter 15mm. 1,032  
31,000 3,736 7 Air 1,205E-03  
0,030 13,620 22 LH2: 2 Ti windows 15μm each 4,540  
0,030 4,170 6 LH2: Mylar foils (5 times 6μm) 1,390  
12,000 84,960 1 LH2: 1.2cm with rounding 0,0708  
0,030 4,170 6 LH2: Mylar foils (5 times 6μm) 1,390  
0,030 13,620 22 LH2: 2 Ti windows 15μm each 4,540  
39,000 4,700 7 Air 1,205E-03  
320,000 13 MUSIC 2: (Munich)    
342,000 41,211 7 Air 1,205E-03  
3,000 309,600 6 SC43 scint. UP and DOWN (triggger reaction) 1,032E+00  
530,000   7 Air 1,205E-03  
  187,000 13 TWIN MUSIC: 2 Kapton aluminized windows 25μm each, 800mm of P10 (90% Ar, 10% CH4)    
3587,000 432,234 7 Air 1,205E-03  
5,000 516,000 6 SCINTILLATOR Wall:  15 H paddles 10cm high, 5mm thick in 2 plans with 1/3 overlap (3.3cm). 1 V paddle 1,032  

This table is also available as EXCEL file.

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