Total Fission Cross Sections for ADS Energy dependence of total fission cross section in 181Ta (A, 0.5, 0.3 A GeV) +1H
This experiment is a part of an experimental campaign dedicated to high-precision measurements of spallation residue production. In this experiment, energy dependence of the total fission cross section in the reaction 181Ta+1H will be measured. The accuracy aimed to is below 10%. The energy dependence is very important due to the energy loss of the proton beam in the spallation neutron source and due to the importance of secondary reactions initiated by particles emitted in the primary reactions. Together with previously measured data in 208Pb+1H and 238U+1H (see here), these new data will allow a study on mass dependence of the spallation-fission process. They will also be mandatory, due to high accuracy, for benchmarking of theoretical models. This work is supported by the European Community under the FP6 Integrated Project EUROTRANS Contract no. FI6W-CT-2004-516520.