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TASCA workshops in the past see here

Darmstadt, September 13, 2012

TASCA Collaboration Meeting at GSI

TASCA Collab 2012

Participants of the TASCA Collaboration Meeting (Photo: Ch. E. Düllmann / GSI)

May 12, 2012

Turning a line - The race to extend the periodic table continues

Article in "The Economist"

September 17, 2011

New Effort to Create Element 120

Video from Prof. Martyn Poliakoff / Univ. of Nottingham
The Periodic Table of Videos

September 9, 2011

Which Way to the Island ?

Science, 333 (6048), 1377-1379

TASCA Collab

Participants of the TASCA Collaboration Meeting / GSI, Oct. 13, 2011 (Photo: G. Otto / GSI )


Darmstadt, November 2010

GSI-Magazin TARGET - Sonderbeitrag "Schwere Elemente"

Darmstadt, June 22, 2010

Chemical Element 114: a first at GSI

One of the heaviest elements

At GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, an international team of scientists succeeded in the observation of the chemical element 114, one of the heaviest elements created until now. The production of element 114 is very difficult and requires dedicated particle accelerators. So far, this feat was achieved at only two other research centers, in the USA and Russia. In the experiment at GSI, scientists employed the innovative new setup TASCA (TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus), which was developed in the past few years. The aim of future experiments with this new setup is to advance to yet heavier elements and possibly to discover new elements beyond element 118.
With the new TASCA setup, the research team led by Christoph Düllman observed 13 atoms of element 114 during the course of their four week long experiment. Despite being a small number of atoms, it corresponds to the highest ever measured production rate for element 114. This paves the way for future in-depth chemical, atomic, and nuclear physics studies. Based on the radiation emitted during the element’s decay, the scientists were able to identify two different isotopes of element 114 with the mass numbers 288 and 289. The measured half-lives are of the order of one second.
“TASCA is currently the world's most efficient system for detecting superheavy elements produced with particle accelerators. This high efficiency is the key to future experiments, where we will also conduct chemical analyses of superheavy elements in the vicinity of element 114, to determine their correct position in the periodic table of the elements”, says Christoph Düllmann from GSI, head of the collaboration. Düllmann also works at the newly founded Helmholtz Institute Mainz, based at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Using the 120-meter long GSI particle accelerator, the scientists fired charged calcium atoms (called calcium ions) onto a plutonium-coated foil. In the course of the experiments, a calcium and a plutonium nucleus undergo fusion to form a nucleus of the new element. The element's atomic number (the number of protons in the atomic nucleus) is 114, hence its preliminary name “element 114”. Its atomic number corresponds to the sum of those of the reacting elements: calcium with 20 and plutonium with 94 protons.
The gas-filled separator TASCA separated the atoms produced by the accelerator with high selectivity from other reaction products. The atoms of element 114 then implanted into a special semiconductor detector, where they were subsequently identified based on the radiation emitted during their decay.
Initial reports on the observation of element 114 were published about 10 years ago from the research center in Dubna, Russia. However, the commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in charge has not yet officially recognized the discovery claim. Almost simultaneously to the GSI experiment, two atoms of element 114 were observed at a research center in Berkeley, USA. The results from GSI, Darmstadt, and Berkeley, USA now essentially confirm the results from Dubna.
Recently, IUPAC officially recognized element 112, discovered at GSI, as the heaviest element thus far. Russian reports on the creation of elements up to atomic number 118 are yet unconfirmed.
The TASCA experiment on the production of element 114 at GSI was led by scientists from GSI, the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the Technische Universität München. The collaboration also includes researchers from Berkeley (USA), Jyväskylä (Finland), Kolkata (India), Liverpool (UK), Lund (Sweden), Oslo (Norway) und Warsaw (Poland).

To read the original publication please visit Physical Review Letters

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Photo: GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, G. Otto
Picture 1: Experimenters presenting the production of element 114 in front of the TASCA separator.

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Photo: GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, G. Otto
Picture 2: Dr. Matthias Schädel, head of the Nuclear Chemistry at GSI, working at the experimental setup. He is holding the cassette that accommodates the plutonium target wheel in his hand. On the left the horizontal beamline through which the calcium ions are fired at the plutonium-covered foil can be seen. Parts of the TASCA separator are visible on the right of the beamline.

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Photo: GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, G. Otto
Picture 3: Plutonium targets deposited on thin foils made from titanium. The three foils on the segmented wheel were irradiated with calcium ions. The area where the foils were hit is clearly visible.
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
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Public Relations
Contact: Dr. Ingo Peter
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Element 114 - Heaviest Element at GSI Observed at TASCA

An international collaboration of nuclear chemistry and physicists have succeeded in the first synthesis and detection at GSI of the superheavy element 114. The two observed isotopes with the masses 288 and 289 were produced in the bombardment of targets consisting of the very rare isotope plutonium-244 with calcium-48 ions from the UNILAC. The experiment was performed with the new, recently commissioned gas-filled separator TASCA (TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus) installed at X8. TASCA is currently the world-wide most efficient facility for nuclear fusion products from such reactions. The experiment was spearheaded by scientists from GSI, TU Munich, and Mainz University and carried out with participating scientists from Berkeley (USA), Jyväskylä (Finland), Liverpool (UK), Lund (Sweden), Oslo (Norway), and Kolkata (India). This first observation of element 114 at GSI confirmed with high statistical significance results previously obtained in the same nuclear reaction in Dubna (Russia). This successful experiment paves the way for many exciting follow-up studies of chemical and physical properties of superheavy elements.

TASCA people
A small subgroup of the excited collaboration members of the element 114 experiment in front of the gas-filled recoil
separator TASCA (UNILAC Cave X8) after the most successful beam time was finished.

TASCA people
Group photo of the element 114-collaboration / June 2009

Photos: GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, G. Otto


TASCA workshops in the past see here

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