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Arithmetic operations of data columns in a GRAF dataset are supported. Interactive parameters (see command IPAR) can be used in these operations.


1. The result of arithmetic operations of some data columns may be plotted
in the following way:
==> H:    X      N1   (Y = N1 * SIN(X) * 100)
            0.1     -0.5
            0.2     -1.5
==> H:    X      N1   (Y = N1 * SIN(X) * 100)
            0.1     -0.5
            0.2     -1.5
The header line defines x values in the first column, some values which are not shown but only provided for further use (N1) in the second column and a third column of implicitely defined y values which are calculated by an arithmetic expression. 

2. Even all data can be defined implicitely:
==> H:  (X = 0.1 TO 1 BY 0.01)  (Y = COS(X))
Restriction: Only one y array may implicitely be defined in one header line!
The usual arithmetic rules are applied, brackets are supported.
(See also HELP FUNCTIONS to get a list of available functions.)


A common modification of a whole data column may be performed by
adding specifications to the header line.
1. Arithmetic Operations with Constants
     A common modification of one column of a data-block may be
     defined by an addition to the corresponding header specification.
     (==> Y(Data),L2+200    add 200 to the y-values, or
      ==> X/5               divide the x-values by 5, or
      ==> Y*10              multiply the y-values by 10, or
      ==> D+-/5             divide the error values by 5 or
      ==> Y**-2*3.5+37.7  )
2. Arithmetic Operations with Vectors
     Operations with constants can be combined with
     operations between data colomns:
      ==> H:  X**2-N1    Y1*Y2*.01+1(exp),LT11    D*Y2,T   Y2+X+N1,L0   N1
     Header specifications beginning with "N", "Y" and "X" are allowed
     as operands. The unmodified numbers as written in the data columns
     are taken for the calculations!
3. Arithmetic Operations for implicit loops
     Linear operations with constants can be performed in
     implicit loops in one- or two-dimensional headers:
     ==> H:  (X = 1 TO 128 BY 0.5)*3.7   Y,L3
     ==> H2: (X = 1 TO 100 BY 1)-0.35*7.2   (Y = 0 TO 20 BY 0.1)*-5
4. Combinations of Data Columns
     Arithmetic manipulations between the values of different data
     columns may be performed by specifying the header key:
       "A"  like "Y", but the data of this array are added to the
            "A", "M" or "Y" data column to the left.
            (use "A*-1" for subtracting the data)
         ==> H:    X     Y,N0    A,L11
       "M"  like "Y", but the data of this array are multiplied with
            the "A", "M" or "Y" data column to the left.
            (use "M**-1" for dividing the data)
         ==> H:    X     Y,P1    M**-1,D14
       The numbers resulting from an eventual modification are taken!
       With this option histograms can be constructed which are
       situated one upon the other.

Remark for II. 1,2 and 3:
   The operations are performed in the sequence they are written:
   e.g.  "X-3**0.5*-5/Y2" means "(((X-3)**0.5)*(-5))/Y2".
   Brackets are not supported.