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In the text below the following conventions are used:
 I7, BIN FIXED(7), I15 = BIN FIXED(15), I31 = BIN FIXED(31),
 R6 = DEC FLOAT(6), R15 = DEC FLOAT(15),
 CV = CHARACTER VARYING.                                        

In the macros AGET, ANAL, and ASET defined by $EXTENSIONS.PLI, 
the parameter C_ANALYZER is interpreted as a character-string variable:
==> C_ANALYZER = 'Mass';
To specify a character string directly, the parameter C_ANALYZER
has to be put in quotes:
==> ANAL('A_MASS',I_A);

In the macros AGEN, ACDEF, AGET, ANAL, ASET, and AC defined by 
$MACROS.PLI, the parameter C_ANALYZER is interpreted as a 
character string directly.

Macros and procedures for any user-supplied program

R6 = PRN;                        [RETURNS(DEC FLOAT(6))]
   uniform random generator (between 0 and 1)

R6 = PGAUSS(R6_mean,R6_sigma);   [RETURNS(DEC FLOAT(6))]
   Gaussian random generator

R6 = PEXP(R6_tau);   [RETURNS(DEC FLOAT(6))]
   exponential random generator

   get the content of a channel of an analyzer
   increment the content of a channel of an analyzer by R6_INCR
   set the content of a channel of an analyzer to R6_VALUE

   set the content of a channel of an analyzer to R6_VALUE 
   (ASET(..) VALUE(..) is identical to ANAL(..) VALUE(..)

   excecute a SATAN command

Ixx = $FIXED(value,xx);
   convert any value of a any numeric variable into BIN FIXED(xx) 
    (xx = 7, 15 or 31 are supported; 
     the conversion is protected against FIXEDOVERFLOW)

R6 = $IPARVAL(CV_name);
   get value of the dynamic parameter CV_name

CALL $PROMPT(CV,any);        
   prompt a variable  

   propose and prompt a variable   
   "any" may be  DEC FLOAT(6),
                 DEC FLOAT(15),
                 BIN FIXED(15),
                 BIN FIXED(31),
                 (*) DEC FLOAT(6),
                 (*) DEC FLOAT(15),
                 (*) BIN FIXED(15),
                 (*) BIN FIXED(31),
                 BIT(1) ALIGNED.

Macros and procedures for the analysis of list-mode data:  
   General remarks for syntax  and use of macros: 
   Macros are specified with positional and keyword arguments.
   In "AGEN(TEST) LIMITS(1,100)", TEST is a positional argument,
   "1,100" is a keyword argument with the keyword "LIMITS".
   Positional arguments must appear in sequence, keyword arguments may 
   appear in any order.
   The macros given below may only be used in the user-supplied
   analysis procedure!       
   The language-sensitive editor provided with the PL/I compiler
   for WINDOWS can be modified to recognize the SATAN macros
   (see HELP MSWINDOWS). However, for this purpose the macros have
   to be used without a leading "$" sign! The compiler supports
   both versions.
   begin of analysis program      
   activate debug option      
LIST(p1,p2,p3,p4, ...);
   list a series of numerical variables (integer or real) and text.
   p1,p2,... may be a numerical variable, a text variable or a text. 
   ==> LIST('Program Version: ',i_version);
|    Syntax of LIST (list character strings and numerical variables)
|      Positional arguments: numerical variable {BIN FIXED(15), 
|      BIN FIXED(31), DEC FLOAT(6), DEC FLOAT(15)}, CHAR(x) VAR, text.
PARDCL(X(5)) INIT('7,3,5,9,3.5') COMMENT('X-ARRAY');
   declare global parameters
|    Syntax of PARDCL (only DEC FLOAT(6) data type; 1-dim arrays 
|           or a list of variable names supported)
|      1. argument: variable name(s),
|         ==> "PARDCL(SLOPE)" defines one parameter,
|         ==> "PARDCL(OFFSET,SLOPE)" defines two parameter,
|         ==> "PARDCL(OFFS(3))" defines an array of 3 parameter,
|         ==> "PARDCL(OFFS(-2:3))" defines an array of 6 parameter,
|      INIT    keyword: value (optional; default = 0),
|      COMMENT keyword: comment (optional; default = '').
|    For arrays, the INIT and COMMENT keywords are assigned to the
|      different elements in sequence. Missing values are
|      repeated from the last given value.
|    For a list of variable names, the INIT and COMMENT keywords may
|      contain a list of names.
|    Arrays and lists of variables cannot be mixed in one PARDCL.
|    PARDCL appears in the analysis routine. A global parameter may
|      be used in the analysis routine like a normal variable declared 
|      by   DECLARE "name" DEC FLOAT(6) STATIC INIT(..); .*/
AGEN(C_ANALYZER) TYPE(C_TYPE) LIMITS(x1,x2{,y1,y2}) BINS(bx{,by}) 
   generate an analyzer or an array of analyzers 
   (Arrays of analyzers up to 5 dimensions are supported.)
|    Syntax of AGEN (1-dimensional analyzer) 
|      1. argument: analyzer name or array of analyzer names,
|         ==> "AGEN(MUSIC)" defines one analyzer,
|         ==> "AGEN(ATAR(3))" defines an array of three analyzers,
|         ==> "AGEN(Z_RESPONSE(80:92))" defines an array of 13 
|                            analyzers.
|         ==> "AGEN(TEST(5:9,27:37))" defines a 2-dim. array of 
|                            analyzers.
|      TYPE  keyword: FIXED or FLOAT (optional; default = FIXED),
|                      and PROTECTED (against ACLR)  
|      MODE     keyword: ANALOG or DIGITAL (optional; default = ANALOG),
|      LIMITS   keyword: list of limits (2 values),
|      BINS     keyword: binsize (optional; default = 1),
|      NCND     keyword: number of conditions (optional; default = 0),
|      CXAXIS   keyword: description of x axis (optional; default =
|                                                      Channel),
|      CYAXIS   keyword: description of y axis (optional; default =
|                                                      Counts),
|      TITLE    keyword: title of analyzer (optional; default =
|            analyzer name),
|      COMMENT  keyword: comment of analyzer (optional; default = '').
|      FCAL     keyword: calibration factor.
|      LINESYMBOL keyword: line and symbol (==> LTR11 , default is HT0)
|      In CXAXIS,CYAXIS,TITLE and COMMENT, & is a placeholder for the
|       element number of an array of analyzers.
|    Syntax of AGEN (2-dimensional analyzer)
|      1. argument: analyzer name or array of analyzer names 
|                   (see above),
|      TYPE  keyword: FIXED or FLOAT (optional; default = FIXED),
|                      and PROTECTED (against ACLR)  
|      LIMITS keyword: list of limits (4 values),
|      BINS  keyword: binsizes (optional; default = 1,1),
|      NCND  keyword: number of conditions (optional, default = 0),
|      CXAXIS  keyword: description of x axis (optional; default =
|                                           Dimension 1),
|      CYAXIS  keyword: description of y axis (optional; default =
|                                           Dimension 2),
|      TITLE   keyword: title of analyzer (optional; default =
|            analyzer name),
|      COMMENT keyword: comment of analyzer (optional; default = '').
|      FCAL    keyword: calibration factors.
|      In CXAXIS,CYAXIS,TITLE and COMMENT, & is a placeholder for the
|       element number of an array of analyzers.
   define name (ID) and limits of condition      
   attribute data channels on VME slots to GOOREAD data arrays
|The SCAN macro is only needed for data format VMEFRS (see macro EVENT).
|    Syntax of SCAN
|      One SCAN macro refers to one slot of the VME crate. 
|      The SCAN macro must appear before the ANTRY macro in the 
|      declaration part of the user analysis programme.
|      GOOREAD  keyword: defines to which GOOREAD macro the actual SCAN
|          macro refers. (First GOOREAD: I1 = 1, second GOOREAD: I1 = 2 ...)
|          (Instead of GOOREAD, also CONTROL or PROCID of the 
|           corresponding subevent may be specified.)
|          One of these keywords defines the kind and the number of data  
|          in the corresponding VME slot. 
|      SLOT keyword: denotes the slot of the VME crate.
|          (GEO is also accepted as an alias for SLOT.) 
   end of declaration part of analyzer program      

   begin of event loop
|    EVENT defines the names and the nature of the list-mode data.
|      Syntax of EVENT:
|      DATA keyword defines the names of the event variables
|         (e.g. DATA(IA(3),I4,IB(20)) defines 24 event variables.)
|         The event variables are already declared by the EVENT macro.
|      FORMAT keyword defines the nature of the list-mode data
|         FIXED: standard SATAN format, 2 byte integers (= default),
|         FIXED LONG: SATAN format, 4 byte integers (= default),
|         FLOAT: SATAN format, 4 byte reals, 
|         FLOAT LONG: SATAN format, 8 byte reals, 
|         GOOSY: data in GOOSY format 
|           (needs additional macros GOOREAD, see HELP GOOSYDATA)
|           The data are available as BIN FIXED(31) variables 
|           (4-byte integers) in the analysis procedure.
|         FRS2003: FRS standard data format.
|           (A special GOOSY format, containing a time stamp,
|            bit pattern, unpacked 32-bit scaler data and packed
|            16 bit ADC data. See HELP GOOSYDATA for details)
|         VMEFRS: FRS data format for VME crates.
|           (A special GOOSY format, containing a time stamp,
|            bit pattern, unpacked 32-bit scaler data and packed
|            16 bit ADC data. See HELP GOOSYDATA for details)
|         ASCII: data in ASCII format, numbers may be integers or 
|           reals, divided by at least one blank.
|           The data are available as DEC FLOAT(6) variables 
|           (4-byte reals) in the analysis procedure.
|           One or more events per line are allowed.
|           Lines beginning with  *   are considered as comment lines.
|         IN2P3: Standard data format of IN2P3 (France). Presently,
|           only EVENTD and EVENTDB data types of 2-byte integers
|           with WORDC (word-count) structure and a record size of 
|           16384 bytes are supported. The number of variables provided
|           in the EVENT DATA macro is not critical for synchronizing 
|           consecutive events, since the length of each event is coded 
|              in the WORDC value. However, EVENT parameters exceeding the 
|           number of input parameter have unpredictable values! 
|           The first two EVENT parameters contain the total number of 
|           parameters read in the actual event (= WORDC value) and the 
|           running event number.
|         CAMDA: CAMDA data format
|           Records of 2048 bytes length
|            1. record:  5 bytes:  M1 (ASCII)
|                        M1 bytes: CAMC list file
|                        5 bytes:  M2 (ASCII)
|                        M2 bytes: comment
|                        5 bytes:  number of parameters per event
|                        5 bytes:  total # of parameters (not relevant)
|                        5 bytes:  number of events per record
|                        6 bytes:  number of histogramm channels
|                        8 bytes:  date
|                        8 bytes:  time
|            Following records: Data (2-byte numbers)              
ANAL(C_ANALYZER,I_CHANNEL1{,I_CHANNEL2}) INCR(amount of increment);
   accumulate into an analyzer (INCR(1) can be omitted)
   fill a value into an analyzer
|    Syntax of ANAL (for 1-dimensional analyzer)
|      1. argument: analyzer name,
|      2. argument: channel number,
|      INCR keyword: increment (optional; default = 1) or
|      VALUE keyword: set value (INCR and VALUE are exclusive).
|     Analyzers used in ANAL must be created by the macro AGEN.
|    Syntax of ANAL (for 2-dimensional analyzer)
|      1. argument: analyzer name,
|      2. argument: channel number 1. dimension,
|      3. argument: channel number 2. dimension,
|      INCR keyword: increment (optional; default = 1) or
|      VALUE keyword: set value (INCR and VALUE are exclusive).
|      The value of the INCR() or VALUE() parameter may be any real 
|      number.
|     Analyzers used in ANAL must be created by the macro AGEN.
   get the content of a channel of an analyzer
   (For analog-type analyzers:
    If the channel does (resp. the channels do) not coincide with the 
    lower limit of a bin, an interpolated value is returned. Zero is 
    returned for channel numbers outside the range of the analyzer 
|    Syntax of AGET (for 1-dimensional analyzer)
|      1. argument: analyzer name,
|      2. argument: channel number,
|     AGET returns the content of the analyzer channel.
|    Analyzers used in AGET must have been created by AGEN.
|    Syntax of AGET (for 2-dimensional analyzer)
|      1. argument: analyzer name,
|      2. argument: channel number 1. dimension,
|      3. argument: channel number 2. dimension,
|     AGET returns the content of the analyzer channel.
|    Analyzers used in AGET must have been created by AGEN.
   check the condition of an analyzer
|    Syntax of AC (for 1-dim. and 2-dim. analyzers)
|      1. argument: analyzer name,
|      2. argument: condition number or condition ID.
|                    (character string or variable beginning with "C" 
|                      is interpreted as condition ID, number or any 
|                      other variable is interpreted as condition 
|                      number)                         
|          ==> "IF AC(TOF,3) THEN ..."            condition number 
|          ==> "IF AC(TOF,I_WIN) THEN ..."        condition number
|          ==> "IF AC(TOF,'FRAGMENTS') THEN ..."  condition ID
|          ==> "IF AC(TOF,C_FIRST) THEN ..."      condition ID
|    AC yields always true for conditions which are not set (= open)!
|    AC yields always false for conditions which are closed.
   execute a SATAN command
|    Syntax of EXCMD 
|      One positional argument: command text.
|     ==> EXCMD('HALT');
In the following the following conventions are used:
I15 = BIN FIXED(15), I31 = BIN FIXED(31),
R6 = DEC FLOAT(6), R15 = DEC FLOAT(15),
CV = CHARACTER VARYING.                                               
LOUT DATA(array) N(number) DSN(output dataset) FORMAT(format);
   write list-mode data on file
|    Syntax of LOUT
|      DATA keyword:   array of data elements to be written
|      (The data array may be I15, I31, R6 or R15.)
|      N keyword:      number of data elements to be written
|      DSN keyword:    dataset name for output (optional)
|      (The dataset may also be specified by the command LOUTPUT.)
|      FORMAT keyword: output formats ( E(x,y) and F(x,y) are supported )
|      (If the FORMAT keyword is specified, the data are written in
|       ASCII format. Otherwise, the data are written in SATAN format.)
R15 = $2FIX16FLOL(I15_low,I15_high);        [RETURNS(DEC FLOAT(15))]
   combine and convert two unsigned 16-bit numbers provided in
   two BIN FIXED(15) variables to one DEC FLOAT(15) variable.       
R15 = $2FIXL24FLOL(I31_low,I31_high);        [RETURNS(DEC FLOAT(15))]
   combine and convert two unsigned 24-bit numbers provided in 
   two BIN FIXED(31) variables to one DEC FLOAT(15) variable.       
R15 = $2FIXL16FLOL(I31_low,I31_high);        [RETURNS(DEC FLOAT(15))]
   combine and convert two unsigned 16-bit numbers provided in
   two BIN FIXED(31) variables to one DEC FLOAT(15) variable.       
Ixx = $FIXED(value,xx);
   convert any value of a any numeric variable into BIN FIXED(xx) 
    (xx = 7, 15 or 31 are supported; 
     the conversion is protected against FIXEDOVERFLOW)       
I31 = NEVENT; 
   event counter 
    (Value is 1 for the first event after INPUT, ICONNECT or START.)       
   end of event loop      
   check on unused conditions (must be placed directly after ENDEVT)
   (Unused conditions make unnecessary long object codes and increase 
    the analysis time.)       
   end of analysis program
Special macros for Monte-Carlo simulations:

   entry for START command

LOOP;          /* or LOOP(N); for loop over N events */
   event loop 

R6 = PRN;                        [RETURNS(DEC FLOAT(6))]
   uniform random generator (between 0 and 1)

R6 = PGAUSS(R6_mean,R6_sigma);   [RETURNS(DEC FLOAT(6))]
   Gaussian random generator
    Provides events according to the distribution
    f(x) = norm. * exp(-(x-R6_mean)**2/(2*R6_sigma**2))

R6 = PEXP(R6_tau);   [RETURNS(DEC FLOAT(6))]
   exponential random generator
    Provides events according to the distribution 
    f(x) = 1 / ABS(R6_tau) * exp(- x / R6_tau)
    in the range [0 <= x <= +infinity] for R6_tau > 0 and
    in the range [-infinity <= x <= 0] for R6_tau < 0.

   Maxwellian random generator
    Provides events according to the distribution
    f(x) = norm. * x * (exp - x/R6_T)
    in the range 0 <= x <= + infinity. R6_T must be > 0.
   Algorithm (exact): R6 = -R6_T * (LOG(PRN) + LOG(PRN)) 
R6 = PGAUSSTAIL(R6_mean,R6_sigma,R6_tau) [RETURNS(DEC FLOAT(6))]
   random generator of Gaussian (PGAUSS(R6_mean-R6Tau,R6_sigma))
    f1(x) = norm. * exp(-(x-R6_mean+R6_tau)**2/(2*R6_sigma**2))
   convoluted with an exponential (PEXP(R6_tau))
    f2(x) = 1 / ABS(R6_tau) * exp(- x / R6_tau).
   R6_mean is the mean value of the convoluted function.
   R6_sigma is the standard deviation of the Gaussian.
   R6_tau is the decay constant of the exponential.
    R6_tau > 0: The function has a tail to positive x values.
    R6_tau < 0: The function has a tail to negative x values. 

   end of event loop

Additional procedures:

R6 = $IPARVAL(CV_name);
   get value of the dynamic parameter CV (Normally not necessary in
    the analysis procedure, there ,the dynamic parameter is 
    directly accessible as a variable.)

   list character string 
         on protocol and screen     (I15 = 1)
         on screen only             (I15 = 11)
         on screen without linefeed (I15 = 12)
         on protocol only           (I15 = 0)
   Declaration: DCL $PRTCL ENTRY(CHAR(*) VAR, BIN FIXED(15));

CALL $PROMPT(CV,any);        
   prompt a variable  

   propose and prompt a variable   
   any may be  DEC FLOAT(6),
               DEC FLOAT(15),
               BIN FIXED(15),
               BIN FIXED(31),
               (*) DEC FLOAT(6),
               (*) DEC FLOAT(15),
               (*) BIN FIXED(15),
               (*) BIN FIXED(31),
               BIT(1) ALIGNED.

CV256 = GEDIT(R15,Cformat)
   transform a DEC FLOAT(15) number into a character string with a 
   format defined by Cformat 
   ==> CV256 = GEDIT(R15,'F9,3'); gives 9 digits with 3 digits 
   behind the decimal point.
   Declaration: DCL GPEDIT ENTRY(DEC FLOAT(15), CHAR(*) VAR) 
                     RETURNS(CHAR(256) VAR);

CV256 = GPEDIT(R15,I15) 
   transform a DEC FLOAT(15) number into a character string with given 
   precision. The length of the characterstring is variable. 
   Declaration: DCL GPEDIT ENTRY(DEC FLOAT(15), BIN FIXED(15)) 
                     RETURNS(CHAR(256) VAR);

CV256 = GPEDFL(R15,I15)
   transform a DEC FLOAT(15) number into a character string with 
   minimum length I15.
   Declaration: DCL GPEDFL ENTRY(DEC FLOAT(15), BIN FIXED(15)) 
                     RETURNS(CHAR(256) VAR);

See "HELP GOOSYDATA" for macros needed for reading GOOSY (MBS) data.