HOW TO DEFINE COLORS: (green) G | RGG | (yellow) GGB RG | RRG | GB RGB R(red) | (white) | RRB GBB RB | (pink) | RBB B (blue) ==> H: X
Y,LTRG12 ==> W: {Blibli} / XR(0.5)
YR(0.5) The number of available colors depends on the graphics device. E.g. "RRRB" would specify a red color with a small blue contribution. Note that "RGB" means "white" (according to additive color mixing!), the background color. If no color is specified, the default color "black" is assumed for drawing data symbols, data lines and graphic elements. Also for writing a text, the default color is black. However, the default pen color "D" must be specified to switch back from the color of an eventual preceding command (see example above). |