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==> W:Ac/ X(129) Y(11) S(20) A(0)
The parameters are the same as for the command GWRITE.
     X(...)   gives the position in units of the x axis
     Y(...)   gives the position in units of the y axis
     A(...)   gives a rotation of the text
     CM(...)  gives the character set (0,1,3,11 or 13)
     S(...)   gives the size in mm times the scaling parameter
     POS(...) gives the position of the origin relative to the string
     WID(...) linewidth relative to the height (default = 0.1)
                 only for CM(3) and CM(13)
     LEN(...) gives the length of the characters (def. = 1)
     ROT(...) gives in inclination of the characters (def. = 0)
     SPAC(..) gives the spacing between the characters (def. = 1)
     HUE(...) gives the colour ("D"efault, "R"ed, "G"reen, "B"lue)
Parameter values which are omitted, are repeated.
Additional parameters are:
     SX(...)  gives the size in units of the x axis
     SY(...)  gives the size in units of the y axis
     XR(...)  gives the position relative to the x axis.
     YR(...)  gives the position relative to the y axis.
==> W:Pb/ XR(0) YR(1.4) S(10)
will appear at the left side above the picture.
     CON      continue to write in x-direction.
     NEXT     begin the next line.
     NEXT(...) a value defines the spacing between the lines.
     CLIPPING(ON)  the text is clipped by the axes
     CLIPPING(OFF) no clipping
     FO(ON)   automatic text formatting on
Words are divided on places which are marked by a "\"
==>   un\pro\vid\ed
A required blank is given by the character "~"
     FO(OFF)  automatic text formatting off
     LL(...)  line length for automatic text formatting
                   in mm * SCALING
     LLX(...) line length in x units * SCALING
     BR       break of automatic formatting
             (In any case a break is excecuted automatically if
              the line begins with a blank.)
The formatting is demonstrated in the tutorial.
In formatting mode, the output mode (CMODE, WIDTH, ANGLE etc.)
at the end of the output line is valid for the whole line.
These parameters cannot be modified within an output text line
without a break.

Illustration of the possibilities for writing a text:
     ==>  ~              --    required blank, not to be divided
     ==>  \              --    for dividing a word (see formatting)
     ==>  2@0@8@Pb       --    superscript
     ==>  To$            --    subscript
     ==>  /#O            --    print on the same place 
     ==>  @@^            --    @
     ==>  $$^            --    $
     ==>  ##^            --    #
     ==>  ae^            --    ä          (German "Umlaut")
     ==>  oe^            --    ö          (        "       )
     ==>  ue^            --    ü          (        "       )
     ==>  Ae^            --    Ä          (        "       )
     ==>  Oe^            --    Ö          (        "       )
     ==>  Ue^            --    Ü          (        "       )
     ==>  sz^ , ss^      --    ß         (special German sz) 
     => = eg^ or EG^     --    ´         (accent aigu)
                             example:   "expe#eg^rience"
     ==>  gr^ or GR^     --    `         (accent grave)
     ==>  ci^ or CI^     --    ^         (accent circonflexe)
     ==>  ce^            --              (cedille)
     ==>  al^            --    alpha          (Greek letters)
     ==>  be^            --    beta           (      "      )
     ==>  ga^            --    gamma          (      "      )
     ==>  Ga^            --    capital gamma  (      "      )
    all other Greek letters in a similar way:
     ==>  hb^            --    h bar             (Special characters)
     ==>  lb^            --    lambda bar        (         "        )
     ==>  in^            --    integral sign     (         "        )
     ==>  pd^            --     differential     (         "        )
     ==>  bl^            --    [                 (         "        ) 
     ==>  br^            --    ]                 (         "        )
     ==>  if^            --    infinity          (         "        )
     ==>  ->^            --    ->                (         "        )
     ==>  <-^            --    <-                (         "        )
     ==>  up^            --    vertical arrow (up)
     ==>  dn^            --    vertical arrow (down)
     ==>  sb^            --    begin of SQRT-symbol
     ==>  se^            --    end of SQRT-symbol
     ==>  mb^            --    begin of MEAN-BAR
     ==>  me^            --    end of MEAN-BAR
     ==>  _b^            --    begin underlining
     ==>  _e^            --    end underlining
     ==>  ap^            --    approximately
     ==>  pr^            --    proportional
     ==>  >=^            --    greater or equal
     ==>  <=^            --    less or equal
     ==>  >a^            --    approximately greater than
     ==>  <a^            --    approximately less than
     ==>  |_^            --    perpendicular
     ==>  ml^            --    multiply
     ==>  Bu^            --    thick point
     ==>  bu^            --    point 
     ==>  id^            --    identical to
     ==>  +-^            --    plus minus
     ==>  ti^            --    tilda below a character
     ==>  sn^ or SN^     --    tilda above a character     (for
     ==>  do^ or DO^     --    dot (time derivative)        small
     ==>  ve^ or VE^     --    vector arrow                 rsp. capital
     ==>  te^ or TE^     --    tensor specification         letters)
    ==>  na^             --    nabla operator
     ==>  pa^            --    paragraph
     ==>  1l^            --    1 as broad as the other numbers
     ==>  ,,^            --    " on bottom of the line
                                (German "Anfuehrungszeichen unten")
     ==>  01^,02^,...    --    graphic data symbol
     ==>  L0^,D0^,...    --    graphic line symbol (full, dashed, ...)
     ==>  (a)/(b)        --    fraction (will be transformed
                   automatically if no characters - also no blanks -
                   are present outside the paranthesis)
     ==>  IV^            --    invert colors of pen and background 
     ==>  H(^G)          --    (means: "HUE("||"green"||")")
                               switch to green color (or any other color) 
                               in the text. (This color definition
                               is necessary for a formatted or inverted text)
     ==>  B(^R)          --    (means: "HUE("||"red"||")")
                               switch to red color (or any other color)
                               for background in inverted text,
         lower and upper limits of integrals, sums and products:
     ==> in^|lower limit|upper limit|
     ==> SI^|lower limit|upper limit|
     ==> PI^|lower limit|upper limit|