List of SATAN commands
The object of most commands is defined by the first letter(s) the operation by the rest of the command word: A... handling of analyzers C... handling of commands E... handling of events F... fit package G... graphics I... handling of interactive parameters L... input and output of list-mode data O... handling of protocol output P... display points S... handling of SCOM lists W1.. analyzer windows (1-dim.) W2.. analyzer windows (2-dim.)
The commands are memorized in a history by SATAN. < (or >) .. return (or proceed) by one command in the history <2 (or >2) .. return (or proceed) by 2 commands in the history (<3, <4 etc.) The retrieved command is excecuted by pressing the ENTER key.
C O M M A N D S (The most important commands are given in bold letters.): $PROtoc (Like OCLOSE) AAttributes List analyzer attributes. ACDef Define condition (or window) limits (no bananas!) ACHannel (Like ASET) ACOMpress Switch to compressed format for analyzer data. ACOnvert Convert 2-dim into array of 1-dim analyzers and vice versa. ACREate (Like AGEN) AClear Reset data of analyzer to zero. AClr (Like ACLEAR) ACONVOLUTE Convolute two spectra (function provided by AOPER) ADECon Deconvolute a spectrum with a given response. ADELete (Like ADESTROY). ADEStroy Destroy analyzer. ADIff Build differential of analyzer (inversion of AINT) ADIFF2 Build 2-point differences ADIFF3 Build 3-point differences ADIFF4 Build 4-point differences ADIFF5 Build 5-point differences ADump Dump analyzer data into dataset AEXPand Switch to expanded format for analyzer data. AFPeak Automatic peak search in analyzer spectrum AFetch Fetch SATAN analyzers or GEF spectra from dataset AGEN Generate analyzer AGET Get analyzer contents AINt Build integral of analyzer (inversion of ADIFF). AImage Create linear image of analyzer ( X' = M * (A + X) ) ALIAs (Like CALIAS) AList List analyzer data ALOGDIff Build logarithmic differences ALOGDIFF2 Build 2-point logarithmic differences ALOGDIFF3 Build 3-point logarithmic differences ALOGDIFF4 Build 4-point logarithmic differences (= Tracy formula) ALOGDIFF5 Build 5-point logarithmic differences AMIrror Create a mirror image of an analyzer AMOVe Move contents of analyzer AMOdify Modify analyzer attributes ANAl Define dynamic analyzation process (1 dim. or 2 dim.) ANOrm Normalize analyzer data AOPer Arithmetic operation between analyzers, constants and parameters APOlish Eliminate strong deviations in analyzer data. APRoject Project analyzer ARIdge Find ridge line in 2-dim. analyzer ASEt Set analyzer contents to a value ASHift Shift 2-dim. analyzer by data given in 1-dim. analyzer ASTretch Stretch 2-dim. analyzer by data given in 1-dim. analyzer ASpace Evaluate space needed for analyzers ASum Evaluate sum and moments of spectrum CALCulate Evaluate arithmetic expression (short version: ?). CALias Define and handle alias names for commands COntinue (Like LCONTINUE) DATE List time and date DCOPy (like GCOPY) DCOmlist (Like GCOMLIST) DEXpand (Like GXEXPAND) DFPeak (Like AFPEAK) DSCale (Like GYEXPAND) EList Print list of event parameters usable for command ANAL END (Like SEND) EXIT Leave GRAF with prompting EXecute (Like SEXECUTE) FAREa Define values and attributes of peak areas FDisplay Display the current fit curve FEXponential Specify a series of linear exponential fit functions FErrors Specify errors of data to be fitted FINITialize Reset all variables of the fit routines to starting values Fit Execute fit FLAst Keep or delete components of a fit function FLEgendre Specify Legendre polynomials as fit function FLIKelihood Evaluate likelihood function of the current fit FLIst List experimental and fit data FMLfit Modify MLFIT parameters FMy Specify user-defined fit function FPArameters Define values and attributes of fit parameters FPBox Specify rectangular peaks convoluted with a Gaussian FPEaks Specify Gaussian or Lorentzian peaks FPOSition Define values and attributes of peak positions FPTail Specify rectangular peaks convoluted with a Gaussian FPolynomial Specify a polynomial as fit function FPVOigt Specify Lorentzian peaks convoluted with a Gaussian FResult List fit results FSTore Store fit data into an analyzer (only in displayed range) FSum Compute sum and moments of raw or net data FWIDth Define values and attributes of peak widths FWindows Define fit regions FXcal Not supported GCOPy Handle softcopy of display GCOmlist Print comment lines on a picture GDClose Close graphic window on screen GDisp Display on screen GEND (like GPCLOSE) GEXIT Leave GRAF with prompting GEXpand Expand figure in x and y GElement Draw graphic elements GFree Free graphic screen in coupled mode GIDentify List name of selected analyzer GLine Draw line GMOde Like GSET GO (Like LCONTINUE) GOVer Continue drawing on the current device (overlay) GPArameters List display parameters GPClose Close postscript file and eventually submit plot job GPICkdata Pick data from screen and write to GRF file GPOs Mark position on screen given by coordinates or cursor GPReset Set preset parameters GPlot Draw on a plotter or write a postscript dataset GRead Read data from disk GSAve Save display parameters and additional information on dataset GSELect Select subpicture (drawn with GOVER) for other commands. GSEt Set graphic parameters GSWindow Set graphic window in x and y GTUT Call tutorial GWrite Write text GXExpand Expand in x GYExpand Expand in y HALT (Like LHALT) IConnect (Like LCONNECT) INput (Like LINPUT) IOPEr Arithmetic operation between constants and parameters IOUTput (Like LOUTPUT) IPar Handle dynamic parameters IPoper (Like IOPER) KILL Leave SATAN/GRAF without prompting and delete protocol file LCOntinue Restart reading of list-mode data LConnect Start input of list-mode data from NET LCONVert Convert ASCII list-mode data into SATAN binary data LHALT Halt accumulation LIESCHEN Start the LIESCHEN ion-optical package LInput Start input of list-mode data LOUTput Open (or close) output device for writing list-mode data. LREPort Report on status of analysis. LSTArt Start accumulation of MONTE-CARLO data MYcommand Call user-supplied command $MYCOMMAND MYfunc Call user-supplied function $MYFUNC OCLOse Close protocol file and open a new version. OFIle Write result of preceding command or any text to file. OIPar Save numerical output of preceding command in IPAR array $R. PCLOse (Like OCLOSE) PDIsp Show display point PFIle (Like OFILE) PIPar (Like OIPAR.) PRINT (Like PUT) PRIority Set priority of process PROToc (Like OCLOSE) PSEt Set coordinates of display point PUT Write text on screen and on protocol QUIT Leave GRAF with prompting REturn (Like SRETURN) SENd Leave all levels of exec lists SET Set general parameters SEXecute Execute command list from dataset (short version: @). SHEll Execute a file (Windows application) SReturn Leave the running SCOM list SStop Stop the running SCOM list (prompt for continue) STARt (Like LSTART) STop (Like SSTOP) TIME List time and date W1Def Assign a name to a window or condition W1disp Display window or condition W1List List window or condition and moments of data W1Set Set limits of window or condition W2DEf Assign a name to a 2-dim window or condition W2Disp Display 2-dim window or condition W2List List 2-dim window or condition W2Modify Modify 2-dim window or condition W2Null Set analyzer contents to zero outside 2-dim window W2Set Set 2-dim window or condition WAIt Wait some time. WDEf (like W1DEF) WDIsp (Like W1DISP) WLIst (Like W1LIST) WSEt (Like W1SET)